Our Brokerage Services

Over eight decades of complex experience devoted to meet your brokerage needs.

From our unmatched talent to collaborative culture, F3 Group Brokerage provides tailored brokerage services for all business transactions. Brokerage transactions can be complex, typically involving contracts, considerable financing, and sizable liability for both buyers and sellers. We have serviced every aspect of business transactions. With Attorneys, CIRA’s, CPA’s, and CFA’s as part of our team we take pride in the fact that there is nothing that comes across our desk that we can’t handle. 

Real Estate Brokerage Services In Michigan

Ensuring maximum disposition value requires experience and expertise. More importantly, the disposition process requires tailored solutions to the marketing needs of your property and/or business. With access to the right tools and experience, F3 Group Brokerage is committed to finding the right buyer to maximize your ROI.

Seller Representation

Whether an investor looking to expand their portfolio, or a business looking for their next location, we understand that each acquisition matters. We are committed to understanding your specific investment needs and requirements so we are optimally positioned to assist and guide you through every step of the acquisition process.

Buyer Representation

At F3 Group Brokerage, we represent landlords in filling vacancies and meeting property investment goals. We have expertise and experience in every asset class of the leasing market, using proven strategies to increase property cash flows and enhance value.

Landlord Representation

At F3 Group Brokerage, we invest time up front to understand your company’s unique space requirements, as well as budget and time goals to develop the best strategy for your leasing needs. We will provide in-depth market analysis allowing you to make the best strategic decisions for your business.

Tenant Representation

Because of the unique Private Equity and Big 4 backgrounds of our team, our connections within the regional and national banks reach far and wide. We have a track record of success securing the best terms and rates on market for our clients.


Our consulting and advisory services provide expertise and institutional acumen to actively advise and execute solutions for complex projects, portfolios and capital structures in all business categories. Clients have included: Private Companies, REIT's and REOC's, PE Funds, Family Offices, Lenders, Investment Banks, Pension Funds, Insurance Companies, and Public Companies.
Brokerage Services In Ann Arbor

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